What are benefits and uses of Pippali pipli ? Nutrixia Food

What are benefits and uses of Pippali pipli ?

Pippali also known as Pipli’ in Hindi, ‘Tippili’ in Tamil, ‘Pippalu’ in Telugu, ‘Tippali’ in Malaylam, and ‘Pipul’ in Bengali
  • Helps in managing cough and cold. Swallowing Pippali powder along with honey after lunch and dinner helps release mucus from the air passages due to its expectorant property,
  • It’s consumption might also help promote weight loss by improving the body’s metabolism
  • Pippali also useful in managing toothache. Rubbing a paste of Pippali powder along with honey on the gums and teeth reduces pain and inflammation in the teeth due to its Kapha balancing nature.


What are the synonyms of Pippali?

Piper longum, Long Pepper, Pipal, Pipli, Lendi Peepar, Dantakapha, Gonamika, Granthika, Granthikam, Kagophale, Kanamula, Pipoli, Pimpli, Piplee, Videhee, Modi, Argad


  1. Take 2-3 pinch of Pippali powder.
    2. Swallow it with honey after lunch and dinner to manage fever.
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