Unveiling the Wonders of Dhamasa Booti: A Natural Panacea

Unveiling the Wonders of Dhamasa Booti: A Natural Panacea


Dhamasa, also known as Fagonia Cretica or Figonia Arabica, is a remarkable herb belonging to the Zygophyllaceae family. Commonly referred to as Dhaman or Suchi Booti in Pakistan, this true herb has gained popularity for its extensive medicinal properties.

Medicinal Marvel:

The entire plant is utilized for its medicinal prowess, offering remedies for various health conditions, including fever, cancer, and skin allergies. Dhamasa boasts a rich composition of bio compounds, featuring antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that contribute to its myriad health benefits.

Exploring the Health Benefits:

  1. Improves Liver Health:Dhamasa emerges as a potent ally in treating hepatitis, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. By reducing liver inflammation, it safeguards against various liver diseases.
  2. Purifies Your Blood:Recognized as a blood purifier, Dhamasa contains thrombolytic properties that break down blood clots, enhancing overall cardiovascular health.
  3. Reduces Asthma Symptoms:The herb proves effective in alleviating asthma symptoms, offering relief from breathing difficulties.
  4. Improves Skin Health:Dhamasa serves as a remedy for skin conditions such as smallpox, acne, pimples, and allergies. Its blood-purifying qualities contribute to clear and healthy skin.
  5. Boosts your Mood:Scientific studies suggest that Dhamasa acts as a mood enhancer by strengthening mental abilities.
  6. Fights off PCOS:Particularly beneficial for women's health, Dhamasa addresses issues like PCOS, fertility disorders, leucorrhea, marasmus, and fibroids.
  7. Strengthens your Heart and Prevents Stroke:With its ability to decompose blood clots and cleanse the blood, Dhamasa reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
  8. Fights against Cancer:The herb's anti-cancerous properties make it effective against various cancer types, including breast, lung, skin, liver, and anal cancer.
  9. Improves Digestive Health:Dhamasa aids in treating stomach problems, providing relief from burning sensations and addressing various digestive issues.

How to Use Dhamasa:

There are several ways to incorporate Dhamasa into your routine, including as a powder, paste, qehwa, or capsule. Whether in extract form or as a juice, the herb offers versatility in consumption.

FAQs about Dhamasa:

  1. Are there any side effects?Dhamasa is generally safe, but experts recommend avoiding it on an empty stomach to prevent gastric issues.
  2. What’s the recommended dosage?Dosage varies based on the form of use, with 5g for powder and 50ml for cold infusion being common recommendations.
  3. What are the Bioactive Compounds?Active compounds include lysine, glycine, leucine, alkaloids, praline, and terpenoids of the oleanane group.
  4. What does Dhamasa taste like?The taste varies, ranging from sour to sweet, depending on the growth stage and parts of the plant.
  5. Who shouldn’t use Dhamasa?While generally safe, pregnant and breastfeeding women should exercise caution.


With its diverse range of health benefits, Dhamasa stands as a natural remedy worth exploring. From improving liver health to fighting against cancer, this herb has the potential to enhance overall well-being. Harness the power of Dhamasa and unlock its incredible benefits for a healthier you.


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